We purchased our first Foxtrotter in 1989, with the desire to raise a foal. We added a couple more mares, and began searching for a stallion. We bred. We searched some more.
We decided that conformation was key: Not too big, Not too little. Short back and stocky but not bulky. Pretty head, large eyes, straight legs, deep chest, properly sloped shoulders, and good feet.
Then we looked a disposition. He needs to be calm and gentle. These are traits he will pass on to his get.
Then we got picky. As long as you're shopping, you might as well look at color. And that led us to the Black & White Tobiano.
We found Kajun in Oklahoma and it was love at first sight. He seemed to be everything we were looking for. With the help of Mr. Bill Smelley, we were able to purchase Kajun as a foal.
As a mature horse, Kajun has proven to be an excellent stallion. He's capable of performing EVERY task asked of him: in the stud barn, in the Show Ring, on the trail, penning cows, and hunting from his back. Kajun is definitely the HUB of the Covered L Ranch.
We'd like to thank you for taking the time to view our web site. We hope you like what you've seen. Give us a call or come and see us. We've always got a few minutes to talk about the finer things in life, especially the Missouri Foxtrotting Horse.
Eddy & Jan Lee
252 Ham Lee Rd.
Bernice, LA 71222
phone 318-285-7459
email EddyJanLee@aol.com
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Romans 1:16